Thursday, 27 June 2013

Stellar Phoenix Zip Recovery 2.0 Cracks is Here !

Stellar Phoenix Zip Recovery 2.0 Cracks is Here !

Stellar Phoenix ZIP Recovery Software

Stellar Phoenix Zip Recovery2.0 Repairs damaged/inaccessible ZIP files created in WinZip 5.0 to 12.1 versions. 
It repairs corrupt ZIP files and safely restores its contents without inflicting any damages to the original ZIP file.

Program Features:

- Repairs corrupt ZIP files from any situation of ZIP file corruption
- Supports ZIP repair of damaged ZIP file up to 800 MB
- Searches for the ZIP file in the system
- Supports ZIP repair for ZIP files created in WinZIP from 5.0 to 12.1 versions
- Supports ZIP repair in password protected ZIP files in WinZIP from 5.0 to 8.0 versions
- Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, and NT

This ZIP file repair software scans and repairs corrupt ZIP files without overwriting the original ZIP file, thereby retrieving important data that you have archived in the ZIP file.

This ZIP repair software has the following vital features:
- Facilitates ZIP recovery for the corrupted ZIP archives
- Restores the repaired ZIP file according to your choice
- Supports ZIP repair for the large ZIP files up to 800 MB
- Repairs and restores all types of ZIP files, which are not password protected, for Win ZIP 5.0 to Win ZIP 12.1
- Repairs and restores all types of ZIP files, which are password protected, for Win ZIP 5.0 to Win ZIP 8.0 (ZIP 2.0 Compatible encryption [Portable]
- Possesses an interactive user interface, which enables easy ZIP repair process
- Displays the files in tree-like 3-pane structure
- Uses extensive search mechanisms to search any ZIP file in the system
- Creates an output file in the directory where the corrupted file is located or at the user-defined directory
- Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sublime Text 2.0.1 Serial Key is Here!

Sublime Text 2.0.1         

Sublime Text 2.0.1

Sublime Text is a sophisticated cross-platform text editor for code, markup and prose with a Python API. It's functionality is also extendable with sublime packages.Sublime Text is not open source software nor free software, but some of the extending packages have free-software licenses and are community-built and maintained.
You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.

About Version 2.0.1 Build 2217

  • Keyboard input while dragging a selection will cancel the drag
  • Improved backspace behavior when use_tab_stops and translate_tabs_to_spaces are true
  • Improved shift+drag behavior
  • Improved double click drag select behavior
  • About Window shows the license key details
  • Fixed a Goto Anything issue where pressing backspace could scroll the overlay incorrectly
  • Fixed a crash triggered by double clicking in the Goto Anything overlay
  • Fixed incorrect window position when dragging a tab in some scenarios
  • Added missing toggle_preserve_case command
  • word_wrap setting accepts "true" and "false" as synonyms to true and false
  • OSX: Fixed System Preferences menu not working
  • Linux: Added support for mice with more than 5 buttons
  • Linux: Fixed an occasional graphical glitch when running under Unity

How to Crack ?

2.Open it.
3.Goto Help>Enter License
4.Enter the following license (from --BEGIN LICENSE--  to --END LICENSE--):

Single User License
51F47F09 4EAB1285 7827EFF0 8B1207DC
A76A6EA3 E1A1CA7A DC1F2703 14,897,784
8EDC1C82 3F2A58B9 1C0C8B24 67686432
281245B3 6233DE5C ADC5C2F9 61FB8A04
171B63EF 86BA423F 6AC884FD 3273A7AA
5F50A6DB CE7859AE D62D2B37 AEEDD8C2
078A8A20 70EEA791 84F48C1E 8ABA7DEB
0B3907C0 C9A3523B 0091A045 6F67AED8

5.Click on Use License.Done!


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How to Unlock iOS 6.0.1 Updated iPhone 4 without Jailbreak ?

How to Unlock iOS 6.0.1 Updated iPhone 4 without Jailbreak ?

Well,you may have an iPhone 4 locked to some network that doesn’t available in your country.And the worst case begins when you update your phone to iOS 6.0.1. Almost all the results of trying to unlock your phone may be ended up with no good news at all. Okay don’t worry if you have preserved your are survived.This unlock is totally untethered
Check whether your  iPhone 4 have any of  baseband listed below
  1.  1.59.00
  2. 2.10.04
  3. 3.10.01
  4. 4.10.01
If you have any other baseband version the only solution you can find is IMEI unlock.
Things you need 
  1. Only a Gevey Ultra sim – you can order one from ebay for 7 $
Lets Begin – check picture guide too
If you have an iPhone 4 in an iOS version that’s lower than 6.0.1 you can still follow the steps below (all have pretty same steps)
  1. Turn off your iPhone 4
  2. eject original apple tray and take out your gevey sim with tray from pack
  3. now place a working sim card (may be one you want) on gevey sim
  4. Insert it to iPhone and turn on it
  5. Wait till phone loads and unlock it
  6. Now wait few seconds till a message comes up in black background saying “Gevey Ultra Untether”
  7. Wait about 10 seconds while checking whether phone connects to network (probably it won’t)
  8. Tap Accept and wait till your phone displays network as No service
  9. Now go to phone app and take a call to 112 (the all screen should be displayed as calling, not as Emergency call,if it dials as emergency call just repeat again from 1 st step)
  10. Hang up the call in 2-3 seconds
  11. Go to Settings App
  12. Turn on Airplane mode
  13. A pop-up will come up saying “Sim Failure”
  14. OK it and wait till your phone displays network as Invalid Sim
  15. Now wait another 5 seconds and Turn on Airplane mode again
  16. This time a pop-up will come up saying No sim card Installed
  17. Don’t Panic.Just Tap OK again and turn Airplane mode off
  18. Wait till your phone starts searching for a network
  19. In about 20 seconds you are DONE !!

Picture Guide

How to Change iPhone Usage Statistics to zero without Reset Date ?

How to Change iPhone Usage Statistics to zero without Reset Date ?

Almost all smartphones (even in normal phones) there’s a feature that you can find the Usage of phone.Some phones give only the Call time and some others have the Cellular Data Network counts too.And also many of those phones don’t give an option to reset Usage statics, but some phones give an option, but instead of that it displays the Reset Date on there.Apple iPhone also displays that Reset Date if you reset your Usage Statics.But There are Two ways of Complete Resetting those Statics without the date.
  1. Restoring your iPhone
  2. Changing iPhone System files
If you are a iPhone user you may know the risk of restoring an unofficially purchased iPhone.But if you are user of officially purchased iPhone ,this option is for you.I don’t prefer the second method because it may kill the freshness of your phone. :D
And the second method, you will think that it is a so dangerous and hard work.No its not.It will take just few minutes to Erase your Last Reset Date.So here we go
Warning #1: This guide was tested on iPhone 4 on iOS 4.3.5 , but still I don’t take responsibility of any damage caused to your iPhone. If you don’t know what you are doing, I recommend that you may use the first method.
Warning #2: This trick may just hide the last Reset Date from the viewers, and the last Reset Date is stored somewhere in your iPhone.So If you undo these steps,It won’t show back as Never.It will show the Date that you have last Reset.
  • a jailbroken iPhone
  • iPhone 30pin data cable
  • an iPhone file manager

Be Ready
First of all,you have to install a file manager on your iPhone.(I have used ifile on this guide).You can purchase ifile from cydia or you can install the cracked version through your computer.
If you want to install ifile from your computer , follow the steps below
  • Download ifile.deb file to your computer
  • Instructions for installing an application to iPhone was posted  in last article. [Read it Here]
Lets Go
  1. Launch ifile from your iPhone
  2. Now you’ll see the screen as in this image,If not click on the Home button from toolbar below.
  3. Now Follow the path given below
  4. Stash > Applications > > 
  5. From this folder you can find many folders named by the localization name.(ex-Dutch.Iproj , El,Iproj…)
  6. So choose your language on the iPhone and go there(If you are an English user, Go to English.Iproj)
  7. You can find a file named “Usage Statistics.strings” from the folder you are
  8. Now tap on it and open using Text Viewer
  9. tap on search icon and search as “last reset”,and you’ll see a text as – “LAST”  = “Last Reset :  %@” ; in the top of your iPhone screen
  10. Now tap on edit button that can be found on top.
  11. now change  (“LAST”  = “Last Reset :  %@” ; ) as ”LAST”  = “Last Reset :  Never” ;
  12. Now tap on the Save button
  13. Exit from ifile and End the iPhone settings process (If you have opened it already)using multitasking bar
  14. Now go to settings and Reset your Usage Statics , you’ll see the trick :D

Rolling Back
If you want to undo what we have done,Follow the above steps to number 10.And change
  •  (“LAST”  = “Last Reset :  Never” ; ) as ”LAST”  = “Last Reset :  %@” ;
But If you do this,iPhone will display the Reset Date again as the date you have Reset it last.

How to Install Apps to iPhone through Computer?

How to Install Apps to iPhone through Computer?

Other than the Apple Appstore, Cydia is the most popular way of installing applications to iphone.If I say how popular and useful it is, some jailbreak software automatically install Cydia on your iPhone (as your choice .But some cydia apps are not free and it’s not so easy to download and install heavy weight applications through your iPhone’s internet connection.
Not only in Cydia,But also in App store some applications (most of the games) are heavy weight apps and requires more time to download directly to your iPhone.But there is an easy way of installing applications to iPhone using your computer
The way is already described below.But you need to find applications that can be downloaded to your computer.(almost all useful applications in apple app store can be found in internet as downloadable packages) .I will not recommend any website for downloading apps cause most of them are not updated regulary. So finding applications is a job of yours.
  • iPhone
  • iPhone 30pin data cable
  • iSpirit app
How to Install Apps to iphone trough your computer
  1. Download iSpirit iPhone manager to your desktop
  2. It’s portable and you don’t need to install it.Then run it and plug-in your iphone to computer
  3. Then you will see the iSpirit Main Window.
  4. Now Go to toolbar and click on “Install App” Button
  5. Now click on Install Deb (or IPA )

  6. Now select the Deb file from your computer.
  7. And Just click on “install” ,If the installation successful it will say that.
The Picture Guide

ifile (bonus app for you,try this out)

Enhance Facebook using Alwitt’s Facebook Enhancer(Chrome Only)

Enhance Facebook using Alwitt’s Facebook Enhancer(Chrome Only)

Alwitt’s Facebook Enhancer
Do you uses Google Chrome. Here a useful extension for Facebook. In Facebook interface we find some of mistakes in interface. But from this extension we can correct that mistakes and modify the interface for easy of working.You can see some of features in the Enhancer extension
  1. Bigger Profile Pictures and Photos Popup
    Popups a bigger picture when you hovering the mouse over thumbnails of profile pictures or photos, even if the person is not your friend. It then disappear when you move the mouse off the small picture. You can also hold Ctrl, Shift or Alt when putting the mouse over a picture to prevent the popup from appearing, or hold them when taking the mouse off a picture to keep the popup open.
  2. Fixed Top Menu Bar
    Keep the top menu bar on the screen, even after scrolling down.
  3. Fixed Left Filter List
    Keep the left filter list visible even after scrolling down.
  4. Bottom Menu Bar Transparency
    Makes the bottom menu bar 10% transparent.
  5. Highlights Today’s Birthdays
    Highlights your friends’ birthdays which occurs on today.
  6. Favicon Alerts
    Alerts you to the number of unread notifications which is overlaid on the Facebook icon.
  7. Facebook ChatBar++
    Gives you a collection of emoticons that you can click in Facebook Chat.
  8. Reload Button on Top Menu Bar
    Adds a “Reload” button on top menu bar of Facebook pages.
    Did you know that clicking browser’s reload button actually re-downloads the page along with images and everything? This script adds a “Reload” button in the top menubar on Facebook, clicking it just resets the URL to the same URL it already was, causing the page to update real fast without re-downloading images.
  9. Replace Text Smiley
    Replace text smileys (eg. “:-)”, “:)”, etc.) with graphical smileys (graphics by
  10. Remove Top Menu Bar Redundancy
    Remove the redundancy of the Facebook top menu bar. The “Home” button is removed because the Facebook logo RIGHT BESIDE IT is also a link to go home. This also turn “Profile” button into your name.
  11. Remove Sponsored Section
    Remove the “Sponsored” section from the right sidebar.

  1. Remove Connect with Friends
    Remove the “Connect with Friends” section from the right sidebar.
  2. Rounded Profile Tabs
    Makes the tabs in your profile rounded corners.
  3. Simple Uploader
    Always use Simple Uploader for adding Facebook photos. Automatically and immediately load the Simple Uploader for photos everytime you go to the photo upload page. Bypass the Java Upload method that always takes so long to load.
  4. Change Page Title
    Remove “Facebook | ” from the page title.
  5. Add Protocol Links
    Add Protocol Links for Google Talk, Skype, Yahoo, and Windows Live in Profile Info section
